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When it comes to fitness, the most interesting frontiers involve the integration of technology into programs and routines. Without question, the introduction of tech into exercise is creating new levels of convenience and engagement. Just think about how much things like wearable activity trackers and new-age gym equipment are changing the game. Peloton classes are among the newest and most intriguing conventions to arise from this continuing merge. If you aren’t familiar, you should learn a little bit about this growing trend in the world of group fitness.

What is Peloton?

The term originates from the French language, in which it translates to “platoon.” It refers to cyclists that travel in a pack during a road bike race, enabling them to conserve energy. This is due to the phenomenon known as drafting or slipstreaming. Because of the reduction in wind drag that occurs when your ride closely beside or behind another rider, you can expend significantly less effort. When you watch the big races on TV during the Olympics or Tour de France, you will frequently see this method in play. It’s a core staple of the sport.

But peloton classes aren’t the same thing. The name originates from that concept, but a peloton class doesn’t take place outdoors on real bicycles. Instead, it takes place in a studio on stationary bikes. But these aren’t your standard exercise cycles; they are quite high-tech.

How Peloton Classes Work

When you sit on a peloton exercise bike, you are staring ahead into an advanced digital display that is WiFi enabled and high-def. You can not only receive instruction through this screen, but also track a variety of performance metrics and indicators. For instance, in real time you can monitor your total distance, resistance level, calorie burn, cadence and more. These statistics are presented in far greater depth and interactivity through this cutting-edge interface. Do you find it boring to ride in place in a stuffy gym? The HD display can teleport you to scenic locations around the world.

Peloton classes also enable a significant social component. You can engage in live video chats, share and view metrics with other riders, and take part in a live leaderboard. You can even instantly upload your times and scores to Facebook. Study after study shows that adding a social element to exercising can greatly increase motivation and productivity. This approach fully encompasses and maximizes those elements. It really is a technique that applies an ultra-modern twist and incorporates the fundamentals of fitness success. Of course, cycling is an excellent way to improve endurance, lose weight and build muscle naturally.

How to Get on Board with Peloton

There are two approaches to try out this fun and exciting new spin on spin cycling. Peloton classes are available in many cities around the country, although they certainly are not yet ubiquitous. Check local listings and find out if there is a gym offering these classes around you. You could also buy your own Peloton cycle, although they aren’t cheap. The typical cost for these bikes checks in around $2,000, and there are additional expenses relating to software subscriptions, apps, and so forth. The technology remains in its early stage and will likely get cheaper over time. But if you have a chance and you’re looking to experience the latest in fitness tech, see if you can give peloton classes a try!

Jim Stiller
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