Androdrox Review 2/5 (1)

There are thousands of muscle supplements that come out every year.  But once in a great while, we’ll see something that changes our expectations of what a supplement should look like.  Androdrox has done that for us.  But with scarce details out on what it’s doing, or how it’s doing it, it’s tough for a lot of people to actually make the choice to try it.  That’s why we’re here today.  We’re going to look at what we know, what we need to know, and most importantly, where you can pick up a bottle.  Let’s jump right in.


Androdrox Max Workout – What Is it?

Androdrox Max Workout is a muscle performance supplement that uses the power of L-Arginine to achieve increases in lean muscle mass, enhance recovery speed, and boost energy.   Androdrox is a pill-based supplement, so you won’t need anything but a glass of water to use it.  It doesn’t really fit tidily into a category like normal.  It’s not a through and through muscle supplement, because it’s working on recovery, and it’s not a pure post-workout supplement because it’s working on building lean muscle.  So what is it?  It’s what we like to call a Workout Amplifier.  Let’s look at what the key ingredient, L-Arginine, is doing.

Androdrox and L-Arginine

If you’ve taken a workout supplement in the last few years, then you’ve probably used L-Arginine.  It’s one of the most commonly used ingredients in supplements today.  And because it’s a safe and naturally-occurring amino acid, it’s able to get results without bogging you down with unwanted side effects.  But what does L-Arginine do, exactly?  L-Arginine is used in a variety of ways by the body.  One, it’s used in the creation of proteins (read muscle proteins) and serves as an intermediary in the process of nitric oxide production.  But what does that mean for the user?  Let’s look at the benefits below.

Androdrox Benefits

If you’re looking for steroid-like benefits, this isn’t the right choice.  But if you’re looking for something that can boost your in the moment performance, then Androdrox is a great choice.  The benefits it provides are all coming via the L-arginine (and a few other ingredients) found within the formula.  You can look forward to heightened energy levels, as well as increases in lean muscle mass.  After that, you can see improvements in in the moment workout performance, which comes via heightened nitric oxide levels.

Androdrox Workout Supplement – Final Thoughts

Alright, so you have some of the details.  But what do you make of them?  Does Androdrox seem like something you want to try?  It’s not for everybody, that much we know.  But if you’re keen on trying something new that has a massive following, it’s a good supplement to try.  Does it work better than a cheap L-Arginine supplement?  We’re not sure, but we know there are people that swear by it.  At the end of the day, Androdrox might not live up to the hype, but it certainly has our attention.  Expect more from this company, and supplement in coming months.

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