Weight Loss Ingredients to Avoid No ratings yet.

There aren’t many of us the need reminding about the cornerstones of weight loss. Everybody should be aware by adulthood that getting plenty of physical activity and eating a healthy, balanced diet is the path to fitness. However, part of the issue is getting yourself started and moving in the right direction. Finding that moment needed to keep you perpetually manage your weight can be tricky. Often, many people turn to supplements. There is a plethora of diet pills that can be found on the market. Some of these diet capsules work through blocking the body’s ability to absorb fat while others attempt to suppress hunger cravings. Others still help you burn fat by enhancing your metabolism. There are plenty of good products that can effectively help you give your weight loss system a jumpstart. If you are stuck in a rut, these can help you get going so you can finally achieve your goals. Although choosing the right one for you can be difficult, there is a way of narrowing it down.  If you finish this article and want more reading, read our article on which diets you should avoid as well.

Which Weight Loss Ingredients to Avoid

Not all dietary supplements used to promote weight loss of safe. There are a lot of diet pills that are shoved out into the market with very little regulation. This can get you into trouble if you are not careful. That is why have provided this review on what weight loss ingredients you should be avoiding. Stay away from these five ingredients and you will give yourself a better chance of not experiencing some nasty, unwanted side effects.

Note To The Reader:

The list we have provided here is not complete and not the end all answers to your search. Any time you begin a supplemental regimen, the wisest decision you can make is to first consult your doctor before you start. They can help you make the most information choice by helping you to determine which pills are safe and which ones are right for you based upon your history of diet and personal health. As many over-the-counter weight loss supplements are unregulated, some of them can contain contaminants and other ingredients that are hidden. Prescription diet supplements will likely provide the safest and most effective option. However, if you cannot or will not try prescribed medications, then here is our list of concerning ingredients for you to use for a starting point.

Bitter Orange & Synaphrine

 The citrus fruit known as Bitter Orange (sour orange) contains a chemical like ephedra known as synephrine. This chemical can cause fainting, vomiting, headaches and insomnia. Furthermore, it is linked to high blood pressure, increased heart rate, heart attack and stroke.

Ma Huang, Ephedra, Ephedrine & Pseudoephedrine

The Ma Huang plant is a species of Ephedra. This plant contains ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. These substances can have an effect on your central nervous system. As a result, it can increase your heart rate and high blood pressure. In turn, this can lead to hearth arrhythmia, stroke or even death. Ephedra is a US banned drug.


The stimulant Fenproporex is not approved for supplementation in the United States. When ingested, Fenproporex is converted into amphetamine. This addictive chemical has the potential of causing heart arrhythmias and potentially sudden death.


Sibutramine is a powerful stimulant with which not to be trifled. The list of its potential side effects are very long. In addition, the more noteworthy danger is a significant increase to the risk of strokes, heart attacks and arrhythmia. Although banned since 2010, a number of weight loss drugs are illegally spiked with sibutramine.


The chemical compound Phenolpthalein is declared as neither safe nor effective by the FDA in 1999. Before this time it had been found in some laxative products. It is still hidden in many weight loss supplements available today.

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